Saturday, September 29, 2007
{ 10:59 PM }
heh..yay..ii bought 4sh0es ytd..l0l..even th0se included in cny derhs..hahas...ii kiasu mah.
ii bought tis shoe at carref0ur..only $19.90..

bought tis at charles&keith aft disc0unt of the 20% its $29.60

ok tis one oso fr0m charles&keith its $28.00 after 20% discount

tis is $26.90 aft 10% of my disc0unt card..

ii buy tis sunglasses at charles&keith t00..aft disc0unt its $17.10..

miie and vin went to changi airp0rt to eat n walk walk..we chanced upon tis so-called classic looks lyk the ph0ne used in "Sesame Street" so ii took another photo f0r remembrance..s0 styl0 mil0..hahah..
Labels: outings, shopping
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
{ 9:23 PM }
ii am kinda refreshed tis few days ii nt sure yy..ii dun feel sleepy or tired.
maybe c0s ii seld0m sleep at 1230am le..when ii w0rk am dat is..hehe..mayb its a g00d ting to sleep b4 12am..but den habits d0 come back when ii work pm..c0s start w0rk late n g0 h0me late ba..
jz had a sh0rt meeting with J,L & M.they are trying t0 cut habing temps ar0und..
c0s they say Waty is lyk an extra manp0wer t0 us c0mpared t0 bef0re..
s0 if its necessary they will only ask f0r temp when
we are sh0rt of 2ppl as in one on leave and the other mc den they will call f0r
temp l0r..and the days t0 look out f0r is only Mon&&Sat..
hais..kinda lyk back to days bef0re when thr's n0 temp le..and ii g0t inside inf0 that LP is gonna m0ve int0 a new unit..
#05-44..acc0rding to J&W's conversation..44 meaning mati mati..hahah..wah and the pcs m0ve ar0und with the tables..they being n0isy at 11am..imagine they moving tables n vaccuuming ar0und dat time..ii habing to pickup calls and answer with all the n0ises c0ming fr0m them..
and tmr ii hab t0 inf0rm june t0 be the first to pickup ph0ne and oso inf0rm regarding sent out results t0 av0id ticking the patient's particulars..den the sec0nd person to pickup calls will be the one d0ing data entry at nite l0r...
tell euu the truth actually ii hate to do all the bad tings...ii prefer doing g00d tings..hehh..
Labels: miscellaneous, work
Monday, September 24, 2007
{ 9:05 PM }
ii was eating carrot cake ytd at 2pm
and den from 3pm to
tis morning 8am ii din
eat anyting at all..its
lyk machiam ii am oso
heh..actually ii decided
not feeling lyk eating anyting
but when ii was b0ut to leave the house,its
ii feel berii hungry
whenever its raining..
so ii
g0t n0 choice but to
eat l0rs..
Labels: randoms
Sunday, September 23, 2007
{ 12:58 AM }
hahah..ii started a new s0ng download blog..the webby is heh..euu can req f0r any s0ng euu lyk ii sure will help to upl0ad it derhs...
jz wanna tell
vin h0ng
ii don't
love euu..
ii am glad we are in different shifts now..cos ii working in different shifts as euu ii wun be fan by euu f0r yr endless questions..but ii kinda frustrated by yr endless pers0nal questions lor..ii added a old pic of ours by miie..and a countup timer..our of anniversary..
Labels: love, songs
Sunday, September 16, 2007
{ 11:09 AM }
hais..ii jz check with my service pr0vider..only can sign up f0r the ph0ne on or after 27 0ct derhss...s0 l0ng..hhaaha..cnt wait lerhss..duhz..wanna trade in my 7610 f0r it..grrr...but nvm..ii h0pe ii can wait patiently f0r it den..
yy do ii oways hab t0 be the one making decisions and n0t euu?even if ii aldy suggested the place euu oso wun make an eff0rt to tell miie where euu wanna g0 acc0rding to my list in the wishes..s0 thr..if ii dun wanna g0 to the place euu suggested den euu make a ch0ice whr euu wanna g0 acc0rding to my list den..?
ii hope euu get wad ii mean..cos ii sick of the times ii nid to make a decisi0n of whr t0 go..ii old w0man lerhs..ty..for reading tis t00tpid post..
Labels: handphone, love
Thursday, September 13, 2007
{ 8:25 PM }
heh..ii feel lyk buying tis ph0ne..S500I maybe in October ba..sick of my 7610 le..

ii love the green butt0ns and black overall ph0ne..hehe..kinda lyk green nowadays le..mwarks ph0ne..heh..gila miie..nvr hab a slide ph0ne b4..cos camden ppl mostly using sony ericsson le..ii mean supp0rt svc dept heart is m0ved to bits by the ph0ne le...hubby so p00r one..he sure cnt in my heart 0ways...ii wun "qi shi" ni de..
Labels: handphone
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
{ 9:58 PM }
recently lyk no m00d to blog le..dunknw is it c0s of the workload?or wad moodswings?
dunknw wad the sunday work coming will be lyk?but one ting is f0r sure vin hong is gonna change his pardner f0r checking rep0rts due to jolly f0rget to include the 30 sept f0r sunday schedule..heh heh.n0 more yun f0r euu..b00!
so pls dun c0mplain dat fiza is berii sl0w hokays..oways the m0re ii feel lyk blogging but due to workl0ad at camden make miie sianx,tired and sleepy l0r..hope my m00d or camden workl0ad gets better bef0re ii g0t chance t0 bl0g again ba..hais..sometimes w0rkl0ad little but happens t0 be the project is al0t l0r..sick sehh..
Labels: work
Friday, September 07, 2007
{ 11:17 AM }
ii tink ii getting nerv0us cos 16sep is my turn to go for sunday work..tink it's alm0st a year nt stepping into office for sundays hence...
and ii dunknw wad to do with him anymore..ii aldy tried my best from quarreling with him as much but sometimes ii cann0t stand the way he's t0king with miie and f0rever asking miie to stay at his house overnite ii tink he dun get wad ii trying to tell him yy ii dunwan to do dat..ii scared dat even if ii did..end up we wun t0gether and ii will oso regret it lor..
so wad f0r ii shld do as he wished..yy cnt he see it tis way...and yy mus ii oways do as yr wish?can't euu see my p0int..ii hate tis kind of life..
Labels: love, mood, work
Tuesday, September 04, 2007
{ 10:04 PM }
he was supposed to turn up at 10am at my bus interchange to go to ridout tea garden at queensway f0r a r0mantic breakfast end up he turned up only at 1130 or 12pm lor at clementi interchange..ii was fking mad at him..made miie cry only..ii arranged it especially on dat day c0s tis c0ming sunday is his shift n nxt week is mine and nxt nxt week is him again l0r..
he damn bad..and ii told him after my w0rk to meet miie f0r dinner but end up he go f0r dinner himself oky..fine so euu cnt meet miie lar even if jz to see miie eat...
den nvm lor from today onwards euu can jolly well f0rget bout everyting ii am nt going to tink of anyting new le..d0 it yrself instead...or go out without miie..
Labels: love, mood